HOME > 米国法人税及び米国個人所得税のサービス(U.S. corporate tax and U.S. personal income tax services)

米国法人税及び米国個人所得税のサービス(U.S. corporate tax and U.S. personal income tax services)

日米公認会計士兼 日米税理士資格保有者による 業界最高水準の米国税務サービス



  • ①米国法人税(連邦税・州税含む)・パートナーシップ税等の申告書作成
  • ②作成された米国法人税・パートナーシップ税等の申告書のレビュー
  • ③米国へファンド投資を行っている日系企業の米国連邦・州法人税申告書作成支援および米国連邦・州源泉税に関するアドバイス
  • ④米国連邦税・州税等の税務調査時の支援
  • ⑤米国法人税に係る全般的な税務アドバイス
  • ⑥組織再編に関する税務アドバイス
  • ⑦対米投資に伴う税務(日米租税条約を含む)に関する税務アドバイス
  • ⑧米国法人税(連邦税・州税含む)の節税アドバイス

He is a US certified public accountant and a US tax accountant, and provides tax return preparation and tax advice services for US local subsidiaries and Japanese subsidiaries, mainly with the director who is a US tax expert. We provide such services.

(1) Preparation of US corporate tax returns (including federal and state taxes), partnership taxes, etc.
(2) Review of completed U.S. corporate tax and partnership tax returns
(3) Support for preparation of US federal/state corporate tax returns and advice on US federal/state withholding tax for Japanese companies investing funds in the US
(4) Support during tax audits for U.S. federal and state taxes
⑤ General tax advice related to US corporate tax
(6) Tax advice on organizational restructuring
⑦Tax advice on taxation (including Japan-U.S. tax treaty) associated with investment in the U.S.
⑧ Tax saving advice on US corporate tax (including federal and state taxes)

米国現地法人、日本法人米国支店のための会計サービス(Accounting services for US local subsidiary and Japanese subsidiary US branch)


  • ①試算表及び総勘定元帳の作成
  • ②決算書の作成(日本基準及び米国会計基準でも対応可能)
  • ③決算書の英訳及び和訳
  • ④節税になるための決算書の作成方法のアドバイス

He is a certified public accountant and tax accountant in the United States, and provides general ledger, trial balance, financial statements, etc. preparation services and accounting advisory services to local subsidiaries in the United States and the United States branch of Japanese corporations, centered on the director who is an expert in US taxation. Specifically, we provide the following services.

(1) Preparation of trial balance and general ledger
(2) Preparation of financial statements (Japanese standards and US GAAP are also available)
(3) English and Japanese translation of financial statements
④ Advice on how to prepare financial statements for tax savings

米国個人所得税務サービス(U.S. Individual Income Tax Service)


  • ①米国個人所得税申告書作成(居住者/非居住者用)
  • ②申告書作成後の会社・個人間の精算計算
  • ③米国永住権保持者の日本帰任時・帰任後の対応に関する相談
  • ④日系企業への種々アドバイス
  • ⑤米国個人所得税の節税アドバイス
  • ⑥米国個人所得税の税務調査時の支援

We provide US income tax return preparation and tax advice to Japanese, US permanent resident (green card) holders, US citizens, and US expatriates. Specifically, we provide the following services. We offer

① U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Preparation (For Residents/Non-Residents)
(2) Accounting calculation between companies and individuals after preparing tax returns
(3) Counseling on what to do when and after returning to Japan for U.S. permanent residents
④Various advice to Japanese companies
⑤ Tax saving advice for US personal income tax
(6) Support during tax audits for US individual income tax

公認会計士税理士 ワシントン州米国公認会計士 米国税理士 福留聡事務所 03-3817-7727

福留聡事務所について(About Satoshi Fukudome Office)


  • ①米国法人税サービス
  • ②米国所得税サービス

Our US corporate tax and US individual income tax services mainly consist of the following services.

①U.S. corporate tax services
Based on the latest information on US tax trends and tax system reforms, we provide consulting and compliance services such as tax return preparation, tax saving advice, and support for tax investigations related to US corporate tax that are optimal for our clients.
②U.S. Income Tax Service
Unlike Japan, the U.S. adopts a self-assessment system for personal income tax. Tax laws are revised almost every year, and time-limited legislative measures are taken, so it is necessary to keep your tax knowledge updated at all times. Not only that, but we are also well versed in Japanese and international taxation, so we can provide advanced tax services tailored to each client.

福留聡事務所の強み(Strengths of Satoshi Fukudome Office)


  • ①日本の税理士資格だけでなく、米国公認会計士、米国税理士資格を保有
  • ②豊富な米国税務の実務経験
  • ③リーズナブルな価格と明確な報酬体系
  • ④英文決算書の作成、英語での米国企業担当者やIRS(アメリカ合衆国内国歳入庁担当者)との会話対応が可能

Our strengths in US corporate tax and US personal income tax services include:

(1) Not only Japanese tax accountant qualifications, but also US CPA and US tax accountant qualifications
Our office manager is not only qualified as a Japanese tax accountant, but also a US certified public accountant. holders will be able to provide more accurate knowledge.
(2) Abundant practical experience in US tax
Our office has a wealth of practical experience in U.S. taxation, centering on our director. Specifically, we have practical experience in taxation services for a large number of local subsidiaries in the U.S.A. We are one of the few international tax offices with
③ Reasonable price and clear remuneration system
Our firm has four plans based on Japanese tax fees for US tax fees, and the price is set at 1.25 times the Japanese tax fee, but we can also provide services according to your budget.
(4) Ability to prepare financial statements in English and communicate in English with personnel in charge of US companies and the IRS (United States Internal Revenue Service)
In the U.S. tax industry, there are many cases where preparation of financial statements in English and communication such as explanations in English such as those in charge of U.S. companies and the IRS are required. I have a lot of experience in communicating in English for international taxation, so I can leave it to you with confidence.

公認会計士税理士 ワシントン州米国公認会計士 米国税理士 福留聡事務所 03-3817-7727

無料個別相談 会社設立支援 

IPO(国内及び海外証券取引所)支援サービス 外資系企業の日本拠点の会計税務監査サービス 決算・開示・決算早期化及び決算標準化支援サービス menu