福留 聡事務所、福留聡国際会計アドバイザリー株式会社及び福留聡クラウド会計給与合同会社は、新宿区と広島市の日米税理士事務所兼日米公認会計士事務所兼公認不正検査士事務所兼行政書士事務所で、日本で最初の日米公認会計士兼日米税理士国家公務員Ⅰ種試験経済職合格者事務所であり、約20年の実務経験と約50の出版経験、多数のクライアント(日米税務、CFO、監査役、会計アドバイザリー、会計監査、不正調査等)、を有する日米公認会計士・日米税理士が国内案件から海外案件、個人事業主から上場企業、外資系企業までお客様の多様なニーズにお応え致します。また、Skypeを用いて全国対応、海外対応している数少ない国際会計税務事務所です。
Satoshi Fukudome Office, Satoshi Fukudome International Accounting Advisory Co., Ltd., and Satoshi Fukudome Cloud Accounting Salary LLC are a Japan-US tax accountant office, a Japan-US certified public accountant office, a certified fraud examiner office, and an administrative scrivener in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. The office is the first office in Japan to pass the Japan-U.S. Certified Public Accountant and Japan-U.S. Tax Accountant National Public Service Class I Examination for Economic Jobs. , CFO, Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Accounting Advisory, Accounting Audit, Fraud Investigation, etc.). We will respond to you. In addition, we are one of the few international accounting and tax offices that offer nationwide and overseas support using Skype.
Our firm uses cloud accounting software, and is an accounting firm with the highest rank of freee 5-star certified advisor and MF cloud platinum member in both freee and MF cloud.
In addition, since he serves as a representative of the Tokyo Law and Accounting Association, a professional group of over 1,200 people, he is a certified public accountant, a tax accountant, a lawyer, a real estate appraiser, a patent attorney, a judicial scrivener, a social insurance and labor consultant, an administrative scrivener, It is also one of the few professional offices that can comprehensively provide services for all 10 major businesses, such as small and medium enterprise management consultants and land and house surveyors.
公認会計士税理士ワシントン州米国公認会計士米国税理士行政書士福留聡事務所、福留聡国際会計アドバイザリー株式会社及び福留聡クラウド会計給与合同会社は新宿区と広島市の日米税理士事務所兼日米公認会計士兼行政書士事務所であり、日本で最初の日米公認会計士兼日米税理士兼国家公務員Ⅰ種試験経済職合格者事務所で、開業以来、日本でも数少ない国際会計税務事務所として、既に本、雑誌、DVD含め50を超える出版をしております。 掲載内容としましては税務では、法人税、所得税、消費税、相続税、贈与税、連結納税、米国所得税、米国法人税に係るものから会計では、IFRS、税効果会計、退職給付会計、企業結合会計、固定資産減損会計、連結財務諸表、関係会社株式・債権の評価に至るものまで多岐分野にわたっております。このように50を超える出版の実績も、福留聡事務所が会計税務の専門家として認められている信頼の証だと考えています。
CPA Certified Public Accountant Washington State Certified Public Accountant US Certified Public Accountant Satoshi Fukudome Office, Satoshi Fukudome International Accounting Advisory Co., Ltd., and Satoshi Fukudome Cloud Accounting Salary LLC are Japanese-American tax accountant offices and Japanese-American certified public accountants in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. It is an administrative scrivener office, and is the first Japanese and American certified public accountant, Japanese and American tax accountant, and national public service class I examination economic position office in Japan. , We have published more than 50 including DVD. For tax, we cover corporate tax, income tax, consumption tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, consolidated tax payment, US income tax, US corporate tax, and for accounting, IFRS, tax effect accounting, retirement benefit accounting, and business combination accounting. , fixed asset impairment accounting, consolidated financial statements, and valuation of stocks and receivables of affiliated companies. We believe that the track record of more than 50 publications is proof of the trust that Satoshi Fukudome Office is recognized as an expert in accounting and taxation.
戦略経営者 2014年7月号(TKC)
広島カープの黒字経営(インタビュー コメントが掲載)
読売オンライン 広島カープが41年連続で黒字経営を続けられる訳 公認会計士 福留 聡 (外部リンク)
日経ビジネスオンライン(インタビュー コメントが掲載) ヒット連打の独自グッズがカープの屋台骨支える 公認会計士 福留 聡 (外部リンク)
仮想通貨の巨額賠償は大丈夫か 「大谷翔平マネー」の全貌
税務業務(Tax service)
Our office is a Japan-US tax accountant office in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. We provide tax planning and tax inspection witnessing services for
MAS業務(Management Advisory Service )
MAS business is a consulting service that enables companies to utilize their abilities and management resources to achieve organizational objectives. Then, we will conduct a financial hearing, summarize the content and cost of support for problem solving in a proposal, and make a proposal.
The representative, Satoshi Fukudome, is a MAS-certified freee restaurant advisor and freee construction industry advisor.
会計監査業務、保証業務(Auditing and attestation service)
幣事務所代表は、Amaterasu有限責任監査法人のパートナーであり、外部監査人又は監査役として金融商品取引法監査、会社法監査、公益法人監査、学校法人監査、労働組合監査、医療法人監査、社会福祉法人監査、仮想通貨交換業者における利用者財産の分別管理に係る合意された手続業務、労働派遣法監査、任意監査を実施し、財務諸表の適正性を表明する監査証明業務、examination、review、agreed up on procedures等保証業務を提供いたします。
The representative of the firm is a partner of Amaterasu Limited Liability Audit Corporation, and as an external auditor or auditor, conducts Financial Instruments and Exchange Law audits, Corporate Law audits, public interest corporation audits, school corporation audits, labor union audits, medical corporation audits, social Welfare corporation audits, agreed procedures related to separate management of user assets in virtual currency exchange companies, labor dispatch law audits, voluntary audits, audit certification services to demonstrate the appropriateness of financial statements, examinations, reviews, We provide guarantee services such as agreed up on procedures.
財務報告アドバイザリー業務(Financial advisory service)
Our office, Co., Ltd. and Godo Kaisha are a Japan-US certified public accountant office in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. standards) advisory services, consulting services, and support for the preparation of financial reporting materials.
内部統制アドバイザリー業務(Internal control advisory service)
Our office, stock company and limited liability company are a Japanese-American certified public accountant office in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. , consulting services, and internal audits.
記帳代行業務(Bookkeeping service)
Our office, stock company and limited liability company are a Japan-US tax accountant office and a Japan-US certified public accountant office in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. , preparation of non-consolidated consolidated financial statements, support for preparation of financial statements in English, outsourcing of bookkeeping services, acting as CFO at the time of retirement, etc., and support in accounting operations.
財務デューディリジェンス業務(Financial due diligence service)
Our office, stock company and limited liability company are a Japan-US tax accountant office and a Japan-US certified public accountant office in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City. We evaluate the adequacy of financial statements, financial risks, tax risks, and corporate value.
資金調達支援業務(Funding support service)
Our office, corporation, and limited liability company are certified organizations for management innovation, etc. in Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City, and are certified organizations based on the Small and Medium Enterprise Management Strengthening Support Act. , business plan support for fund raising, support for creation of financial plan, etc. In addition, we perform procedures for issuing private placement bonds and prepare documents.
会社設立・開業支援・株式公開支援業務(Initial public offering service)
Our office, stock company and limited liability company are a Japan-US tax accountant office in Shinjuku-ku and Hiroshima city, a Japan-US certified public accountant office, and an administrative scrivener office. (Publication preparation support), from the establishment of the company to its launch, we will support the construction of the accounting system, the construction of internal control, etc.
不正調査業務(Forensic & Integrity Services)
As a certified fraud examiner, we will investigate the cause of embezzlement or embezzlement by employees, and conduct interviews with employees who have caused misconduct from the perspective of a fraud investigation professional. In addition, if necessary, we will propose measures to prevent recurrence.
登録政治資金監査人業務(Registered Political Funds Auditor)
Our office, joint-stock company and limited liability company are registered political funds auditor offices, and conduct political funds audits based on the Political Funds Audit Manual.
行政書士業務(Administrative scrivener service)
Our office is an administrative scrivener office in Shinjuku Ward, and we mainly provide the following administrative scrivener services at reasonable prices only to parties who have signed a tax advisory contract.
①Corporate-related procedures
Establishment procedures for corporations such as stock companies and limited liability companies Preparation of various articles of incorporation, various minutes, work regulations
② Application for permission
Construction business permission application, management matter review application, temporary staffing business permission application, etc.
③ Inheritance procedures
Collection of copies of family registers, heir investigation, inheritance evaluation/investigation, preparation of inheritance division agreements, various name changes
④Certification of content and preparation of various contracts
Preparation of various contracts such as content-certified mail, contracts, and agreements
セミナー、執筆業務(Seminar and writting service)
Our office and corporation are Shinjuku Ward and Hiroshima City Japan-US Tax Accountant Office and Japan-US Certified Public Accountant Office. and tax-related books, magazines, DVDs, etc. for publication and lectures.